About Global Memo

Each year, nearly a dozen individually-held senior multilateral posts and various intergovernmental bodies are filled by governments, executive boards or the UN Secretary General. Each selection comes with its own related processes and rules, politics and quirks. In most cases, the work of the organization is more newsworthy than how its executive director or board is selected. Nonetheless, how governments negotiate on filling a seat and how effective a director or board is can determine how well that organization is able to meet its mandate.

Global Memo covers the processes and actors involved in the selection of high-level multilateral leadership. The site collates news reports on selection processes, examines candidate qualifications, highlights statements by government officials, and reviews proposals for reform. Information is provided by civil society leaders, government officials and media sources.

Given the number and generally technical nature of the various roles, providing an informed insight on selection processes (and being able to translate it for a lay audience) requires contributions from a number of experts or advocates. Their interest in the organization’s work also lends itself well to explaining how the organization’s appointment processes work well, as well as where they don’t.


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    Tony Fleming, Senior Editor

    Global Memo is published by Tony Fleming with occasional contributions by guest authors. In 2006, Tony envisioned and designed UNSG.org, a website focused on the candidates and selection of the UN Secretary General position. UNSG.org was described as “required reading” and “the gold standard” for those following the campaigns for the position. As a political analyst on the selection, Tony was interviewed by major media in the U.S., the Netherlands, Columbia, Hong Kong, India, Australia and New Zealand.

    Tony’s professional affiliations include having served on the Board and staff of Citizens for Global Solutions, on the Board of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, as a Fellow with the office of Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and as a rapporteur with the Stanley Foundation. He earned his Masters degree in international security and economic policy from the University of Maryland in 2006.  He is currently a consultant on web development and social media.

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    Global Memo aims to provide authoritative and comprehensive information on elections within the United Nations and other multilateral bodies. If you support informed discussions on transparency and accountability in multilateral leadership selection, please consider making a donation.






    GlobalMemo.org is owned by Global Memo Publishing, Inc., a non-stock tax exempt corporation registered in Maryland, USA. Posts and comments on GlobalMemo.org are solely the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Global Memo Publishing, Inc. or any organization with which the author may be affiliated.